EIC Challenges Information Days – Naučite više o EIC tematskim natjecanjima

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Europska komisija vas poziva na niz događanja u sklopu EIC Challenges Information Days 2023. Radi se o online informativnim radionicama u kojima će se predstaviti sva područja, tj. tematike natjecanja, uvjeti i načini sudjelovanja, kao i odgovoriti na pitanja vezana za prijavu i samo natjecanje.

Više informacija o EIC natjecanjima i programu za 2023. godinu pronađite na poveznici.

Raspored događanja:

26. siječnja 2023.– EIC Accelerator Challenge – Customer-driven, innovative space technologies and services  
– EIC Pathfinder Challenge – In-space solar energy harvesting for innovative space applications
31. siječnja 2023.– EIC Accelerator Challenge – Novel technologies for resilient agriculture
– EIC Pathfinder Challenge – Precision nutrition
1. veljače 2023.– EIC Transition Challenge – Environmental intelligence
– EIC Accelerator Challenge – Energy storage
2. veljače 2023.– EIC Pathfinder Challenge – Architecture, engineering and construction digitization for a novel triad of design, fabrication, and materials
– EIC Accelerator Challenge – New European Bauhaus and Architecture, Engineering and Construction digitization for decarbonisation
– EIC Transition Challenge – Full scale Micro-Nano-Bio devices for medical and medical research applications
– EIC Accelerator Challenge – Aerosol and surface decontamination for pandemic management
3. veljače 2023.– EIC Accelerator Challenge – Novel biomarker-based assays to guide personalized cancer treatment
9. veljače 2023.– EIC Pathfinder Challenge – Responsible electronics
– EIC Transition Challenge – Chip-scale optical frequency combs
– EIC Accelerator Challenge – Emerging semiconductor and Quantum technology components
16. ožujka 2023.– EIC Pathfinder Challenge – Clean and efficient cooling